USUALLY BY THIS TIME the Christmas cards I’ve designed have arrived from the printer and we’re sending them out to friends and family whether they want one or not. Not this year though.

a few custom cards from years gone by

a few custom cards from years gone by

It’s not a delay in the printing process, nor a failure of the postal service. It’s not that we’re in despair from this quarantine quagmire. We decided last year—Christmas 2019—would be our last year to send out cards. Had we known what Christmastime 2020 would look like, I might have gone on with a card design—something apropos and uplifting. The cover of it might have looked something like this.

merry christmas 2020 from dave & Arlene

merry christmas 2020 from dave & Arlene

With text on the inside that might have said something like this: Q: What do you call 3 guys in robes and turbins, riding camels and maintaining safe social distancing? A: Wise Men.

But, I didn’t have those printed and we have nothing to mail. I received a call from my dear Aunt Betty to inquire about our card, maybe concerned that her’s was lost in the mail. When I told her we decided not to send cards this year she said, “I don’t blame you. A call is just as good.” I agreed with her—in spirit—but I don’t intend to call all y’all.

You want a Christmas Card!? All right. Here; here’s your Christmas Card.
— Elaine Benes

Seriously and sincerely, let this be our Christmas wish: That you and yours will know peace. That you will discover wonderful ways to celebrate safely, because the season calls for the celebration of hope and joy, now more than any other time in a long, long time.

Fear not!